Slow Ballads, Triple Style

Let's get something out of the way first: I am really an unsophisticated fuck when it comes to equivalent time signatures. Ask me whether a song is in 3/4 or 6/8 and I'll smile fixedly. Well, no, I will probably give you an opinion-- I will always give you an opinion on request-- but that opinion will probably be wrong. This distinction does matter and is real, but I'm not going to be your source on it. I have done my best to look up the real time signatures of these songs, but I may have erred and there may be some straight up waltzes in here. Carry your heart with me along this path.

Because there is nothing like a slow 6/8 ballad. When the lights get all low and sexy and the keyboard player settles in at hopefully the organ but frequently and permissibly the piano and the bassist is like, fuck yes, I'm going to play a single note every 15 minutes and you're going to lose your mind. A slow 6/8 ballad is a box that contains many wonders but my favorites are "the unbearable tension between the molasses sea of loneliness in which you the singer are embedded and the yearning for human connection that refuses to leave you", and "I'm in love". If it were accessible, the second one would be in Blingee form.